domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010


Love story - Taylor Swift 

We were both young when I first saw you,
I close my eyes, and the flash back starts.
I'm standing there. On a balcony of summer air.

I see the lights,
See the party the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd,
You say hello
Little did I know...

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone,
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby, just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quite because we're dead if they know
So close your eyes, Escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
You'll be the prince, I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby, just say yes

Romeo save me, try to tell me how it is
This love is difficult, but its real,
Don't be afraid we'll make it out of this mess
Its a love story baby, just say yes, oh,

I was tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think.
He fell to the ground, and pulled out a ring

Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and thats all you know
I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress
Its a love story baby, just say yes
Oh, Oh, Oh
We were both young when I first saw you
by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez 

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

family tree

This is my family, my parents is Francisco Javier Esquivel González and Irma Alvarado Gaytan, They were married on July 17, 1991. I am the oldest of my brothers my name is Yessica Alejandra Esquivel ALvarado i´m seventeen year old, My brother Javier EsquivelAlvarado is fourteen year old, and my younger brother is twelve years old. My grand parents are Angela Gaytan Medina and Rito Alvarado Hernandez, My paternal grandparents are dead.

♥I Love my Family♥

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010


my family tree
my father´s name is Enruque Sanchez Morales he wort in a factory name HAMSA

he meet Rosa Carmina Riojas in 1982. He got married with her and they had 4 daughters.

The oldest is 24 years old, her name is JYudith Sanchez, she got married with Jose Francisco Martinez, they had 2 daughters; Aylin and Naomi Martinez.

Enrique and Rosa had twins Alondra (me) and Lizeth Sanchez, 18 years old, we are studing.
they also had Zeila Sanchez my little sister she had 16 years old and shi´s in 9th grade.

my grandparents are Irene Arredondo and Abelardo Riojas from my mom side.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

my famili tree by Jojane de la Rosa

my famili tree
my family tree is composed by my parents, the first one it´s my Dad he´s name is Jose Luis de La Rosa the he get married to my mom Jane Leandro, they get marry on september of 1982.
they have three kids the older one is Luis Angel then David and me Joanne.
my parents are architects my Bro Angel is studiyng at the UVM (architecture) David is studing Electricity at Tecnolgico de Saltillo and im in Benc.
well they my family for my dad side my grandparents name are David and Cande they really lovely!!!
fot my mom side i just meet me grandama shes name was  Jane but she  past away long time ago!!
well ther all my family De La Rosa Leandro Family and i thank God for  each one i love them!!!!

My family tree

My family tree is composed of my paternal and maternal grandparents.
My paternal grandparents Joseph and Juany, they had 6 children. My uncles are Gil, Juan, Carlos, Marcelo, Gloria and my father Jose.
My paternal grandparents are very crazy and fun.
I have 18 cousins, all are small. I'm the oldest.

My maternal grandparents Ancelmo and Cecy, they had 7 children. Among them my mother Olga.
My grandfather is dead.

My father and my mother met at a church group, and they fell in love. That was how they were married and they had to my brother and me.
My dad works. My mom stays at home. My brother is studying the secondary and has a girlfriend named Ruth.
I study the university and I have a boyfriend named Daniel. I love he!

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

The family tree

My family this integrated by my dad, MOM, two brothers, sisters, and myself. My dad likes reading, coffee mornings and spending time with his family. My mom likes cooking, kitchen very rich!. She loves her grandchildren and children to her visit. My brothers no longer live with us, all are outside. All we love family reunions.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

My Family! :) Alondra Riojas

My family is big, I have 3 sisters 1 is married and 2 are students. My parents and my sisters estan with me when I go to to my house, they like much that I go and they do not like to know of my. To my family he likes much the holidays, not us gust aser bored. Also we like divertinos and to go out of I walk all together.

Alondra Weekend!

My weekend, in some occasions I go to my house in San Buenaventura Coahuila there I visit my family and see my friends, but when I remain here in Saltillo, clean my house and I wash my clothes. Also I like to go out with my friends, but I do not like to go out every Sunday for which this day I do my homework.

Joanne's Brothers!!!!!!

Ok lets star Well this is a part of my family in the picture are my two lovely brothers Luis Angel and David, Luis Angel is the older one hes 24 years old is an Architect and the one in the grey jacket is David hes 24 and hes studing at the Teconlogio de Saltillo.
they very gentel with me i love them, and we are so so close they take care of my cause im the litte one!!!!!!!. well now you know part of my family.

My family

My family is great! They are my dad, my mom, my brother and me.
My dad is 41 years old, he likes to play guitar. My mom is 40 years old and she likes listening to music. And my brother is 14 years old and he likes to play football. I'm 19 years old and I like to use computer.
We are a very joined family, we have very good communication. Most of the time we joking and playing.
I love my family!

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

My familiy. Luis Ángel

"My family"

My family is wonderful. I always did very fine with them. I have a very responsible father who always cares for our welfare. I have a very loving mother who cares and loves us very much. And I have a brother so much fun. I am very proud and happy for the family I have. I love my family.

Luis Ángel Hernández

Profiles. Luis Ángel

Name: Luis Ángel Hernández

Age: 18

About me: I´m a student at Benemérita Escuela Normal de Coahuila. I´m single. I live in Ramos Arizpe. I´m very happy and fun. I love football and basketball. I am of Rondalla de Ramos Arizpe.

My beautiful Family!!!!

This is my family, they are my parents, my mom and dad Ruben Aurora. My parents are very good, I support and trust in me. I have four brothers but I have no photographs because they all live outside. I am the youngest of five brothers, we are three women and two men. I love my family as they are, well cuz I want to me. They currently live in San Buena, so I miss them a lot. I love ...
By: Lucy (Maria de la Luz)

How is my weekend?

I am from San Buenaventura Coahuila, so the soil weekends to go to my city. When I leave, all weekend I spend with my family and being spoiled by my mom. I sleep, do homework, go out on occasion with my friends and I returned to Saltillo on Sunday ...
When I'm not going to hare been carefully and I'm here, well what I do is to rest, clean my room, do homework, buy what I gotta eat in the week and prepare my uniform and also wash my clothes.

by: Maria  (Lucy)

My Family

My family is very beautiful, we are all very close, my mom always tries to help us with everything we need, my dad is a good man, works hard for us. I have two brothers younger than me, the three get along very well, we like to have fun and be happy, and like any family we have problems sometimes, but we are making together forever.  I Love my family ♥

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Joanne's weekend

Ok lets star!!!! the fisrt thing i do is rest of school specially homework!!!!. i go out with my boyfriend, we love to go out and go to the movie theater, or eat something in the mall, also we spen a lot of time in the mall we just walk and talk of us.
i love spen all the saturday with him, but the sunday i don't meet him cause i go to church and spend all day with my familly and my cousin Susana. i don't like to do homework on my weekend cause it's for hang out, have fun and rest!!! that's why i love it!!!

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

My weekend

The weekend usually do things that I have oustatandind, how to clean my room, doing homework, out and have fun whit my family and tal to my boyfrien. Sometimes we visit family or go out to parties.
I love the weekeed...!!!

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

What do you do on weekends?

On Saturday morning I wake up late. Generally I do the breakfast. I take a shower and I do a bit homework. Then I clean my room, and after the dinner I go out with my friends or my boyfriend.
My Sunday is a family day. I visit my grandparents. There's a great time because I play and talk with my cousins.
Then I go home and finish the homework. I prepare my uniform and backpack for Monday classes.

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Videos De Clase



Dialogue in class

20 Septiembre 2010
¿What do you think of the English language and what is difficult for you in this language?

I think the english is very important in the life of any person, currently it's as a second language or the official language of the world.
It's very important especially in the workplace, business, study and even in the computer.

I think it's a bit difficult because it has certain rules to speak, but I can learn!...

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez


Personally I have really wanted to learn English, I think is an important tool for our future. But I have problems to pronounce, I think it's difficult to write and speak differently from what we see. But I'm willing to put a lot of dedication to master.

Yessica Alejandra Eqsuivel Alvarado


I like English, but I have difficulty reading extensive content, and I despair when I speak in English all the time and not understand what they say. I hope to overcome my barriers ...

Alondra Guadalupe Sánchez Riojas


I think that the leguage of english it's so important, for me it`'s the universal language that everywhere you go around the world you can comunicate with every person. my personal thought is that i like it so much and i would like to learn it.

And it's difficult the wrotening in english it's the most dificult part

                                                                Joanne de la Rosa Leandro


En lo personal no me gusta mucho la idea de tener que hablar otro idioma y mucho menos cuando no domino el mio ... jeje
Pero lo que es a fuerza pues a fuerza ... 
A parte se le puede ir agarrando el gusto a hablar otro idioma.
Pienso que debo darle una oportunidad al ingles y poner todo lo que este de mi parte.
Y en cuanto que es lo que se me dificultaría más es lo de entablar una conversación totalmente en ingles. =) 

Luis Angel Hernández San Pedro


To be a really sincere teacher, to me the Englishman's matter always me has been impeded very much!, so much to read it like to write it and to listen to her, to speak it am not so bad but it provokes great his sorrow, so I think that yes I need great help in this one matter in all the aspects, to begin from the basic thing since we it have been doing to reinforce it, up to the more advanced thing that could, since I him count and promise to put all the desires because really desires Englishman learns.

BY: María de la Luz De Luna Villarreal… Lucy Iº A

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


Norma: Hi, nice to meet you!. My name is Norma.
Luis Angel: Nice to meet you too, I'm Luis Angel. 
Norma: How old are you? 
Luis Angel: I'm 18 years old, and you?
Norma: I'm 18 years old too. 
Luis Angel: Where are you from? I'm from Ramos. 
Norma: Great! I'm from Saltillo.
Luis Angel: What is your favorite food? I like chocolate cake. 
Norma: Mmmm! I love the pizza. 
Luis Angel: What do you think about the school? 
Norma: It's interesting and fun.
Luis Angel: Ok, I think the same. I have to go, see you!

Norma: Ok, see you later. Take care!

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010


                        STUDENT:      MARIA DE LA LUZ DE LUNA VILLARREAL

My name is Maria de la Luz De Luna Villarreal from San Buenaventura, Coahuila, daughter of Ruben De Luna Martínez Villarreal Trevino and Aurora Villarreal Martinez, the youngest of five brothers. I have 18 and I like being told Lucy, play soccer and just now entering the Escuela Normal de Coahuila Benemérita.

I started my education at 4 years old in kindergarten "Jaime Torres Bodet, my time here comes to mind in a confused way and that was many years ago and I can not remember well. All teachers with whom I had the pleasure of living there, were excellent, thanks to them I learned to speak well, cut, paste, paint, dance, relate to my teachers and classmates, I got very good grounds that with the passage of years were instrumental in my development. What I remember most is an event of Quinde contest escorts from the gardens of the region, I led the escort of mine and we won the competition.

The primary way to "Dr. Ruperto del Valle "was a change for me, but was not as difficult as the link to that age children are provided with that. I quickly learned to write my name and read and count, all thanks to my teacher Brenda which is one of the few teachers to whom I admire for his excellent way of working. Academic performance during the six years of school was really good, he was always in the honor roll, participated in every one of the festivals or events that were held since graduation dance for up honors to the flag as in poetry or ephemeris of the week in sixth grade is part of the escort officer every Monday, with the sergeant and I were greatly honored by it. At the end of courses, graduation take second place to use the earning my affection and respect of my peers.

For a graduating high school, "Andrew S. Viesca "I entered a terrible fear of such a change as it would have many teachers, would no longer be just a teacher with whom spend the entire day of school and have new subjects such as the" workshop "which I chose to copy typists. It was there that I met the second teacher I admire and respect very much, Professor Esther Sanchez Correa responsible for providing Spanish language material 3, which hoisted me get my study habits that were lost during the previous two years.

I wanted to cravings enters high school and was going to be in another municipality, of Monclova, Coahuila, and was a school very prestigious called "CBTis 36 º, but what more could not wait was starting my field which was of clinical laboratory, in this place I met great friends and my knowledge of the subject are very good and I loved it.

The decision that college was going to come was a big dilemma for me, and to submit to three: Chemical Sciences, Nursing and Master, I was in the three and did not know which to choose, but seeing the pros and cons of each, I decided by a teacher, so here I am ....

Student:  Alondra Guadalupe Sánchez Riojas.

Hello, my name is Alondra Guadalupe Sánchez  Riojas.
I live in San Buena.. Coahuila. I am eighteen years old.
                       My parents are Enrique Sanchez  and Rosa Riojas. I have three sisters. I attended my kindergarten years in Jaime Torres Bodet School. I finished my first four primary school years in Dr. Ruperto del Valle and the last two in a different school because we moved address. I attended Secundaria Andres S. Viesca for Junior School three years. I graduated from Cacytec High School and I am currently attending BENEC University in Saltillo, Coahuila. I hope to finish my schooling here satisfactorily and go on with my career as a primary school teacher.


My name is Norma, I have 18 years old and I was born in Saltillo Coahuila, on October 12 of 1991.
I am a very cheerful girl, good friend, comprehensive and gives good advices.
I like meeting new people, be on the computer, listening to music and I love going to the movies... This is all I can describe about me, and now I am eager to become a teacher of primary school.

Student: Yessica Alejandra Esquivel Alvarado

Hello, My name is Yessica Alejandra Esquivel Alvarado, I am 17 years old, I was born in Saltillo Coahuila, on November 26, 1992. My parents are Francisco Javier Esquivel González and Irma Alvarado Gaytán, I have two brothers Francisco Javier and Jesus Alberto, both of my brothers are younger than me. In kindergarten I was in the "Felipa Valdez de Pepi" I was there only for the third year. In elementary school I went to "Manuel Acuña Ford 39", in which I left with a good average. The secondary course at the "Francisco I. Madero No. 3 " was there where I started learning English. I was in high school, "Dr. Mariano Narvaez Gonzalez T. V", there also had English classes, and I think that was where I learned most of my english. Now I'm studying to become a teacher in the "Benemérita Escuela Normal de Coahuila" where I prepare  for the future.

Joanne de La Rosa Leandro

Something about me;
My name is Joanne de la Rosa, im from Saltillo Mexico
 I was born in Saltillo also, on March 17.

when you Know me im very lovely, tender and sweet i love to hang out with my friends
i love travel to know more thing and learnd different stuff and cultures.

i want to be a teacher and i could go to Chiapas Mexico
 and Teaching the kids and others person cause i love it an
we need to move on!!!!

Student: Luis Angel Hernández San Pedro

Hi!!! My name is Luis Angel. My nikename is "Puma" and "Chino"
I´m from Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila.
I´m 18 years old.  I am high, thin and very handsome.
 I like to sing and to touch the guitar. 
 I like the sweet food especially the cake of chocolate.



Nickname: apodo
Surname: apellido
Flatmates: compañero de departamento
Colleagues: colegas
Married: casado
Single: soltero
Boss: jefe