miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

My Family! :) Alondra Riojas

My family is big, I have 3 sisters 1 is married and 2 are students. My parents and my sisters estan with me when I go to to my house, they like much that I go and they do not like to know of my. To my family he likes much the holidays, not us gust aser bored. Also we like divertinos and to go out of I walk all together.

Alondra Weekend!

My weekend, in some occasions I go to my house in San Buenaventura Coahuila there I visit my family and see my friends, but when I remain here in Saltillo, clean my house and I wash my clothes. Also I like to go out with my friends, but I do not like to go out every Sunday for which this day I do my homework.

Joanne's Brothers!!!!!!

Ok lets star Well this is a part of my family in the picture are my two lovely brothers Luis Angel and David, Luis Angel is the older one hes 24 years old is an Architect and the one in the grey jacket is David hes 24 and hes studing at the Teconlogio de Saltillo.
they very gentel with me i love them, and we are so so close they take care of my cause im the litte one!!!!!!!. well now you know part of my family.

My family

My family is great! They are my dad, my mom, my brother and me.
My dad is 41 years old, he likes to play guitar. My mom is 40 years old and she likes listening to music. And my brother is 14 years old and he likes to play football. I'm 19 years old and I like to use computer.
We are a very joined family, we have very good communication. Most of the time we joking and playing.
I love my family!

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

My familiy. Luis Ángel

"My family"

My family is wonderful. I always did very fine with them. I have a very responsible father who always cares for our welfare. I have a very loving mother who cares and loves us very much. And I have a brother so much fun. I am very proud and happy for the family I have. I love my family.

Luis Ángel Hernández

Profiles. Luis Ángel

Name: Luis Ángel Hernández

Age: 18

About me: I´m a student at Benemérita Escuela Normal de Coahuila. I´m single. I live in Ramos Arizpe. I´m very happy and fun. I love football and basketball. I am of Rondalla de Ramos Arizpe.

My beautiful Family!!!!

This is my family, they are my parents, my mom and dad Ruben Aurora. My parents are very good, I support and trust in me. I have four brothers but I have no photographs because they all live outside. I am the youngest of five brothers, we are three women and two men. I love my family as they are, well cuz I want to me. They currently live in San Buena, so I miss them a lot. I love ...
By: Lucy (Maria de la Luz)

How is my weekend?

I am from San Buenaventura Coahuila, so the soil weekends to go to my city. When I leave, all weekend I spend with my family and being spoiled by my mom. I sleep, do homework, go out on occasion with my friends and I returned to Saltillo on Sunday ...
When I'm not going to hare been carefully and I'm here, well what I do is to rest, clean my room, do homework, buy what I gotta eat in the week and prepare my uniform and also wash my clothes.

by: Maria  (Lucy)

My Family

My family is very beautiful, we are all very close, my mom always tries to help us with everything we need, my dad is a good man, works hard for us. I have two brothers younger than me, the three get along very well, we like to have fun and be happy, and like any family we have problems sometimes, but we are making together forever.  I Love my family ♥

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Joanne's weekend

Ok lets star!!!! the fisrt thing i do is rest of school specially homework!!!!. i go out with my boyfriend, we love to go out and go to the movie theater, or eat something in the mall, also we spen a lot of time in the mall we just walk and talk of us.
i love spen all the saturday with him, but the sunday i don't meet him cause i go to church and spend all day with my familly and my cousin Susana. i don't like to do homework on my weekend cause it's for hang out, have fun and rest!!! that's why i love it!!!

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

My weekend

The weekend usually do things that I have oustatandind, how to clean my room, doing homework, out and have fun whit my family and tal to my boyfrien. Sometimes we visit family or go out to parties.
I love the weekeed...!!!

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

What do you do on weekends?

On Saturday morning I wake up late. Generally I do the breakfast. I take a shower and I do a bit homework. Then I clean my room, and after the dinner I go out with my friends or my boyfriend.
My Sunday is a family day. I visit my grandparents. There's a great time because I play and talk with my cousins.
Then I go home and finish the homework. I prepare my uniform and backpack for Monday classes.

by: Norma Lidia Preciado Sánchez